Butterflies, Other Insects & Arachnids

Insects and Arachnids are important to our planet’s ecological balance. Many insects are superb pollinators. Some insects and all arachnids are predators that keep other insect populations in check, and some still remain scientific mysteries. We have lost great numbers of pollinators including native bees and honeybees. Over generations of human development we have removed diverse habitats. Due to the widespread use of pesticides we have endangered the balance of insects including important pollinators.

Planting native plants in place of exotic species and avoiding pesticides will help. Science has proven that growing more native plants is a winning strategy. Over thousands of years, native pollinators have developed a complex relationship with specific host plants that are native to their region. Even small yards can have beautiful native host and nectar plants that benefit pollinators. These food source havens are beautiful, inspiring places for people too.