Male Eastern Collared Lizard

White-tailed Twin Fawns

American Bullfrog

American Toad

White-tailed Deer – Mother & Twins

Eastern Collared Lizard

Northern Fence Lizard

Wild Horse of the Ozarks – Postcard

White-tailed Spotted Fawn

Best Friend & Garden Guardian

Eastern River Cooter

Gray Tree Frog

American Bullfrog

Americal Bullfrog II

Northern Leopard Frog

American Toad Profile


Wild Horse ‘Mother-to-be’ Postcard

Wild Horse of the Ozarks – Postcard

Young Elk – Peck Ranch

Male Three-toed Box Turtle

River Turtles Baker’s Dozen

Male Three-Toed Box Turtle

Ozark Wild Horeses

Wild Horse Friends

“Walnut Peeler”

Mother and Son

There, Then Gone – Coyote Note Card in Celebrate Nature 8 & 16-Card Box Sets

Cave Salamander – Round Spring Cave

Eastern Chipmunk