Purple Poppy Mallow Evening

Rose Mallow – Native in Missouri

Nature’s Stained Glass – Plains Coreopsis

Nodding Ladies Tresses – A Wild Orchid

Native Pink Dogwood Blossom

Dew Laden Milkweed Pod Dispersing Seeds

Gaura Flower with Dew

Cucumber Tendril Art

Native Pitcher Sage

Prairie Rose in Prairie State Park

Purple Poppy Mallow Blossom

Round Lobed Hepatica

Scarlet Monarda Opens

Scarlet Sage

Wild Hyacinth & Honeybee

Native Wild Phlox

Wild Plum Blossoms

Native Dogwood’s Blossoms

Little Bluestem Flowering

Wild Plum Blossoms Close Up

Echinacea purpurea

Jack in the Pulpit

Purple Prairie Clover Flower

Native Crested Iris

Native May Apple